How to get to us here in Kayak Paradise, Sweden

The sea kayak centre in Saint Anna archipelago is situated 230 km south of Stockholm on the east side of Sweden.

Nearest train station is Norrköping (60 km from us). From train station local bus go to our nearest small city Söderköping travel center (40 km from us) almost two every hour. Cost around 60 SEK
From nearest city Söderköping to us (40 km) you will travel with taxi for only 45 SEK/person one way transport. Taxi transport is subsidized by the local tourist office so that's way it is so incredibly cheap.
You can travel with the taxi transport from the travelcenter in Söderköping Monday-Friday between 09.00-12.30 and 17.00–21.00. On Saturday and Sunday it is between 09.00-17.00. 
The taxi transport we book for you. Latest the day before your arrive we need to book it. Tell us at what time you want to start from Söderköping travel center to us and we call the taxi for you. the taxi back after your visit here we order for you when you are here.

Of course you travel easy also with car to us.
From the nearest town Söderköping road 210 (about 40 km) will lead you out to the St. Anna and our kayak center located in Mon.

After Lagnöbridge turn at the sign after about 800 m to Mon and then follow the signs to our kayak center (2 km).

Kayak rental is located close to  the beach. Parking option really near 50 SEK/day.

Most of our customers buy the food in Söderköping, only 300 meter from the travel center is a big food shop. The wine shop in Söderköping is 600 meter from the travel center.
New for this year is that only 200 meter from our kayak centre is a new mid size food shop where you'll find all basic food for a kayak tour.

If you are out on a longer trip then 4 days then you will come to food markets with the kayak where you can supply with fresh food. Here you can take a look at our service guide map
Water bottles and fresh water you will get for free from us. Out in the archipelago there are places where you can fill up with more water.
We have luggage storage for the suitcases you don't want to bring with you in the kayak.
Send us your questions, we love to help you to get a nice kayak tour.

Read more about visit:  Norrköping   Söderköping   Sankt Anna

Direct train Berlin - Norrköping

Yes, that's true! With Snälltågetyou can start in the evening and sleep well on the train and in the middle of the day after you are in the Sankt Anna archipelago. Read more

Traveling with bus from Europa

We can highly recommend Flixbus if you want to travel whole way with bus. For ex you can find a direct bus that start from Hamburg in the afternoon and you are early morning i Norrköping. Read more

Arlanda airport

The biggest airport in Sweden is Arlanda, north of Stockholm. 260 km from us.
Here you can read how to travel with train or bus to Norrköping (60 km from us)
Between Norrköping and Söderköping (20 km) new bus (25 min)
Info for car rental at airport

Skavsta airport

Nearest airport is Skavsta, south of capital Stockholm. Only 120 km from us. 
From airport to us: Airport bus (55 min) to Norrköping.
Between Norrköping and Söderköping (20 km) new bus (25 min)
Car renting info at airport

See you in the Sankt Anna archipelago, yours Kayak Paradise